I did not know...

When he hit me the first time I did not think he was aware of what he was doing... when the police woman answered in all honesty that these things happen repeatedly I did not want to believe her... but I did...
I wanted to run away but they told me I could not do so.
Now on the other end, I realize how wrong they were for not referring me onto SHAKTI in the first place. They should have done so but they did not.
Preventing Violence in the Home now known as SHINE did help but I never met anyone and they did not really know what I was going through... every time I rang I kept speaking to many other women... having to explain everything again and again was probably the best therapy I got from them. SHAKTI really know what they are doing and being migrant women they can relate to migrant women themselves. It is so important that migrant women are referred to the right kind of help in the beginning. I will not stop advocating for this until it is main stream policy from now on.


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I would like to say that it is not a common thing to find single mothers today who have walked out of violent relationships to save their lives only to find themselves surrounded by a labyrinth of life altering decisions to make and no one to share their ideas with.... this blog is for you women out there...